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First Roast of 2020

First Roast of 2020

We’re not overly keen of the white meat on a Turkey. But when a thigh and drummer are available I grab one. At £4.25 it’s considerable better value weight for weight than a Chicken as we often get 6 servings out of it. On Wednesday we did the Turkey Rissoles, yesterday we had a roast with the thigh. We still have leftovers which will probably make the foundation for a Pasta or Curry dish this evening.

Turkey leg meat doesn’t have a particularly strong flavour so it can be treated like all sorts of other meats. On this occasion Sue might well have been pretending that it was Lamb!


1 Turkey Thigh
2 sprigs of fresh Rosemary ( Acquired from the local bush )
4 Cloves of Garlic, halved
Salt & Pepper


(1) Rub the the thigh with Oil and season well.
(2) Pierce with a knife and push the Garlic into the meat.
(3) Oil a baking tray.
(4) Place the sprig of Rosemary in the tray and sit the Turkey on top.
(5) Cover with foil and place in the oven at 180c for an hour or so.

We enjoyed ours with Gluten free Yorkshire puddings, Roast Potatoes, plenty of Vegetables and home made Gravy. Superb!