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Kopytka recipe, eat well on universal credit

We went to Poland again last night. Apparently this roughly translates as Little Hooves. The description doesn’t do them justice!


3 Large Potatoes, cooked, cooled and mashed
1 Large Egg
50g of Cornflour
50g of Rice Flour
50g of Tapioca Flour
½ Tsp of Salt
3 Cloves of Garlic, minced
1 Onion, Diced
200g of Mushrooms, sliced
2 Rashers of ( Home cured ) Dry Cured Bacon
4 Kielbasa, chopped diagonally
200g of  Sauerkraut
Oil to fry


(1) Add the mashed Potatoes, Egg, Flours and Salt to a bowl.
(2) Knead together to form a dough.
(3) Roll out on a floured surface into a thick Sausage shape.
(4) Cut at an angle into about 1 ½ inch pieces.
(5) Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil and add the Kopytka in batches.
(6) Allow to simmer for 5 minutes until they float to the surface.
(7) Remove and set aside.
(8) In a frying pan heat Oil and add the Onions, frying until softened.
(9) Add the Garlic, Bacon,  Kielbasa and mushrooms & fry for a further 3 to 4 minutes, until the Bacon is crisp.
(10) Add in the Kopytka and fry until golden brown.
(11) Stir in the drained Sauerkraut and cook for a further minutes or so.

We’re fortunate to have a Continental Shop within sight here. So the Polish Smoked Sausages ( Kielbasa ) and Sauerkraut with easy to get hold of and remarkably cheap.



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