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Lacto-Fermented Ginger

Lacto-Fermented Ginger

We used fresh Ginger in a dish we cooked yesterday which set my fermenting mind in motion. We always have jars of fermented Garlic on hand, but Ginger? Oh why not…..


2 Hands of Ginger, roughly cut into lumps
2 heaped Table Spoons of Himalayan Salt
½ a litre of water.


(1) Heat the water to dissolve the Salt and allow to cool to room temperature.
(2) Add the Ginger to a clip top jar.
(3) Pour the brine in so that the Ginger is covered.
(4) Seal the jar and allow to ferment. Fermentation will start in a couple of days. Allow it to ferment out and it will store for months.

We’re discovered that the fresh Ginger in our recipe last night was really good for Sue’s digestive issues. So hopefully a pickled version will work equally well. This brine was nearer to the 3% rather than the usual 2% salinity. I’m expecting quite a vigorous / violent fermentation as there’s lots of sugars in the root…..

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Cauliflower & Chicken Soup

Even if I wanted to I couldn't give a recipe for this! Well I'll have a go...


Cauliflower Cheese (Rescued from a box in the freezer)
Chicken and Mushroom Pie filling – possibly?! (Rescued from a box in the freezer)


(1) Defrost.
(2) Demolish in the blender.
(3) Heat in a pan.

Served with a bit of greenery from the balcony box this was actually a very hearty lunch. We may have to postpone our experimental cooking until later this evening!


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