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Marinated Jerk Ribs

Marinated Jerk Ribs

No yellow sticker today. But at £2.63 the Pork Rubs were still the foundation of a very tasty meal.


Brown Sugar
Chilli Flakes
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Jerk Sauce
Chipotle Flakes
Tomato Sauce
Onion, finely chopped
Tomato Puree
2 Cloves of Garlic, minced
Salt & Pepper


(1) Gently fry the Onion and then add the minced Garlic until they have both softened.
(2) Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for 10 minutes to reduce slightly.
(3) Set aside to cool.
(4) Spread evenly over the Ribs and pop in the fridge for an hour or more.
(5) Cover with foil and place in a pre-heated oven at 160c for 45 minutes.
(6) Uncover and cook for a further 10  minutes.

We server ours with DIY Onion Rings, Peas, Spicy Potato Wedges, Mooli Coleslaw and a Seaweed and Spinach experiment. (More on that early next week!)


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Garlic Chicken Breasts wrapped in Bacon recipeIt's a sort of take on Chicken Kiev. Well similar.
1 Chicken Breast per person
Herb Garlic butter
Onion salt
Chilli flakes
Streaky Bacon
Ground Black Pepper
Rosemary Sprigs
(1) Butterfly the Chicken Breasts.
(2) Season with Paprika, Onion salt, Chilli flakes and Black Pepper.
(3) Add the Garlic butter and fold the Chicken back into a breast shape.
(4) Wrap the Bacon over and also season with Garlic Butter.
(5) Place a sprig of Rosemary on top and wrap in foil.
(6) Cook at 180c for about 30 minutes.
(7) Open the foil and cook for a further 10 minutes to crisp the Bacon.
We served ours with roasted vegetables and potatoes. We also bought a low cost complete Chicken and cut it up. A £2.50 we had two good meals and had to carcass to make stock with.

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